This has been one of the most interesting courses of the program for me. I have been fascinated with the new concept I now have about research. I had previously thought of research in terms of articles and data sent out in formal publications by university researchers. In this course I learned to think of research in a completely different way. I now know that research can, and should, be done at the campus level by administrators and teachers who actually know the issues and concerns of the school (Dana 2010 p. 4).
Furthermore, I learned that sources of data for research can consist of less formal and traditional types of “data” such as surveys, interviews, field notes, teacher feedback, and work samples (Dana 2010, p. 181).
One of the highlights of the course for me was learning to create a blog. I now have fellow students following my blog to learn about my ongoing research project. In addition, I have the privilege of following the research developments of my classmates by reading and responding to their blogs.
I learned about several strategies for sustaining improvement. One such strategy is a tool known as Force Field Analysis. This consists of seven steps for a district to work through in order to determine if change is needed. The steps are a series of questions ranging from describing the current situation and any proposed changes to deciding if change is viable and what steps would be needed for implementation (Harris, S., Edmonson, S., Combs, J. 2010, p. 94). Another tool I learned about is the Delphi Method, in which a series of questionnaires is sent out to those who would be affected by the decision (Harris, S., Edmonson, S., Combs, J. 2010, p. 95). Another strategy for sustaining improvement is the Nominal Group Technique. In this process, small groups determine and prioritize needs. My campus used both the Delphi method and the Nominal Group Process last year in our first year as a new campus.
Perhaps most importantly, I developed an action research plan to use at my campus this school year based upon and inquiry I found relevant to the needs of my students. I am researching a new reading program implemented by my district partway through last school year. It is a Leveled Literacy Intervention program for struggling readers in the primary grades. I am attempting, through my research, to determine if the program is effective and if it may have more far-reaching effects than reading improvement. I will be looking for evidence of growth in reading and in other subject areas as well as behavior, social skills, and confidence. I look forward to conducting my action research project throughout this next school year.
Dana, N. (2010). Leading with passion and knowledge: the principal as action researcher. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.
Harris, S, Edmonson, S., & Combs, J. (2010). Examining what we do to improve our schools: 8 steps from analysis to action. Larchmont, NY: Eye on Education.