Friday, July 30, 2010

Action Research Template

I was not able to copy my plan in the correct format. This is the most readable version I managed to accomplish. I hope this makes sense. Please see my previous post for a description of the plan.

1.Disseminate TPRI scores.
Renee Cook
Sept. 2010,
Jan. 2011,
May 2011
TPRI Kits and Palm Pilots for each teacher
Students will be ranked from highest to lowest, based on a compilation of TPRI benchmark scores.
2.Select lowest-performing 3 to 4 students per classroom,based on TPRI scores.
First Grade Teachers
Sept. 2010,
Jan. 2011,
May 2011
TPRI scores
The lowest performing 3 to 4 students will be instructed using Leveled Literacy Intervention.
3.Begin LLI instruction with selected groups.
First Grade Teachers
Sept. 2010
LLI kit for each teacher/Teacher notes and observation from LLI instruction.
Informal teacher observation, student reading level on LLI books.
4. Determine whether students’ reading skills are improving as a result of LLI.
First Grade Teachers/Renee Cook/Jen Martin
Sept. 2010-
May 2011
TPRI, Rigby, Dolch, LLI reading level throughout year/PLC meetings to discuss findings.
Teachers and administrators will view TPRI, Rigby, Dolch, and LLI results to assess whether reading improvement was made with LLI and whether it should be continued.
5.Look for growth in other areas such as other academic subjects, behavior, or social skills, or confidence to see if reading improvement may have led to other improvements.
First Grade Teachers,
Renee Cook,
Jen Martin
Sept. 2010-
May 2011
Grades, informal teacher observation.
Additionally, teachers will need PLC meeting opportunity to discuss findings.
Teachers and administrators will determine if there were any other areas of growth noted among LLI participants.

1 comment:

  1. I had trouble posting mine in the template form as well. It is harder to read this way, but I do understand the gist of it and it looks like something that will surely benefit the students and staff on your campus.
