Monday, March 28, 2011

Web Conference 3/28/11 at 6:00

I finally got on a web conference (that was completed). I found it very interesting. I could see this as a real learning experience. I like the fact that it is called a web "conference" because conferences are what we have at school. As a result, I could see this being used perhaps to conference with colleagues from around the district when it is difficult to meet in person. I found it more enjoyable when the conference was limited to 25 participants. We were able to respond to questions both spoken and written. On the other hand, with the larger group conference I attempted last week it was difficult to follow the discussion because there were so many people trying to "talk" at once. With the limited number of participants we were able to see what questions others had, offer input if we had ideas, and answer questions the professor asked. In the beginning the professor asked if we could hear her and if so if there was an echo. Almost immediately several of us responded that we heard an echo. She then asked if we wanted her to continue with the audio or stop the audio. We overwhelmingly responded that we would rather hear her with an echo than not at all. One of the questions the professor asked was what, if anything, they could do to improve EDLD 5352. I responded that the assignment with the charts was challenging because there was limited guidance and specifics on what was expected. Then point deductions were made because the organizational chart was in a chart format rather than a flow chart. Another student actually mentioned the point deductions but I also received deductions. The professor said if we had a question or felt our assignment had not been graded fairly to let her know and the professors could also look it over and change the grade if necessary. Students posed questions aboout how to prepare for the LCE. I mentioned the book on Dr. Rucker's website because a student at the LCE administration I attended commented to Dr. Rucker that she had previously failed the LCE but after buying his book she passed. I mentioned the book and was told by the professor that there was not a book that was required. (After hearing the other student's comment about the book I intend to buy it to prepare for principal certificate exam.) There was a discussion about websites to use with our students. Some of the websites mentioned were Starfall, Zoopz, and Cool Math. I found the web conference to be a positive experience. I would like to participate in such a conference again. I would probably have done so before now if I had known how simple and beneficial they are.

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